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Our exclusives

Książki tych wydawców zamówisz do swojej księgarni lub biblioteki tylko w hurtowni Azymut.

Nasza wyłączność: Wydawnictwo Wieża Czarnoksiężnika
Nasza wyłączność: Wydawnictwo Wieża Czarnoksiężnika

Nasza wyłączność: Wydawnictwo Wieża Czarnoksiężnika

Tylko u nas! Wydawnictwo Wieża Czarnoksiężnika dołącza do grona ponad 70 wydawców dostępnych na wyłączność w ofercie OSDW Azymut. Jako Wydawnictwo Wieża Czarnoksiężnika wyczarowujemy książki. Z nami wyobraźnia piszących ożywa, a ich dzieła stają się poszukiwanym przez czytelników kruszcem, przekształcając ich samych w dumnych autorów

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Nasza wyłączność: Wydawnictwo Opener
Nasza wyłączność: Wydawnictwo Opener

Nasza wyłączność: Wydawnictwo Opener

Tylko u nas! Wydawnictwo Opener dołącza do grona ponad 70 wydawców dostępnych na wyłączność w ofercie OSDW Azymut. Opener to kameralne wydawnictwo książek dla dorosłych, zrodzone z zamiłowania do poszerzania horyzontów. W ofercie znajdują się kryminały, powieści psychologiczne i fantastyka. Zamów w Magazynie Wirtualnym Chcesz

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Nasza wyłączność: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN
Nasza wyłączność: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN

Nasza wyłączność: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN

Tylko u nas! Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN dołączyło do grona kilkudziesięciu wydawców dostępnych na wyłączność w ofercie OSDW Azymut. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN PWN to renomowane wydawnictwo, które od dziesięcioleci jest niekwestionowanym autorytetem w obszarze rzetelnej i merytorycznej wiedzy. Współpracuje z ekspertami, naukowcami i uznanymi autorytetami, wspierając polską naukę

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Nasza wyłączność: PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie
Nasza wyłączność: PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie

Nasza wyłączność: PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie

Tylko u nas! Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL dołączyło do grona kilkudziesięciu wydawców dostępnych na wyłączność w ofercie OSDW Azymut. PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL to wydawnictwo o długoletniej tradycji, które od pokoleń wspiera edukację środowiska medycznego. Podążając za innowacjami i rozwojem nauk medycznych, wydawnictwo stawia na współpracę z najlepszymi specjalistami oraz nowoczesne rozwiązania. Zamów w Magazynie Wirtualnym

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Our exclusive: Sinister Publishing
Our exclusive: Sinister Publishing

Our exclusive: Sinister Publishing

Only with us! Sinister Publishing joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Sinister Publishing Sinister Project is a publishing startup born out of a passion for fantasy literature and a deep belief that magical worlds, epic adventures and extraordinary creatures can once again

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Nasza wyłączność: Wojewódzka i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna w Gdańsku
Nasza wyłączność: Wojewódzka i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna w Gdańsku

Nasza wyłączność: Wojewódzka i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna w Gdańsku

Only with us! PublisherThe Joseph Conrad-Korzeniowski Provincial and Municipal Public Library in Gdansk joins the group of more than 70 publishers available exclusively in the OSDW Azymut offer. Publishing Provincial and Municipal Public Library named after Joseph Conrad-Korzeniowski in Gdansk To the main tasks of the Provincial and Municipal Public Library

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Nasza wyłączność: Cambridge University Press and Assessment
Nasza wyłączność: Cambridge University Press and Assessment

Nasza wyłączność: Cambridge University Press and Assessment

Tylko u nas! Wydawnictwo Cambridge University Press and Assessment to jeden z kilkudziesięciu wydawców dostępnych na wyłączność w ofercie OSDW Azymut. Cambridge University Press & Assessment, będąc częścią Uniwersytetu Cambridge, dostarcza rozwiązania w zakresie nauczania języka angielskiego i egzaminowania, wspierając miliony uczniów na całym świecie. Ich

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Our exclusive: Biblos Publishing House
Our exclusive: Biblos Publishing House

Our exclusive: Biblos Publishing House

Only with us! Biblos Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Biblos Publishing House We are a Polish Catholic publisher that has been continuously operating on the bookstore market since 1990. In our offer you can find publications of a general humanistic character, in the field of literature

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Our exclusive: HM Publishing House
Our exclusive: HM Publishing House

Our exclusive: HM Publishing House

Only with us! HM Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. HM Publishing House We are a young publishing house, based on the traditional model of book publishing. Since there are a lot of talented, but often underrated writers in our country, we focus only on

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Our exclusive: Panko Publishing. Pawel Kopijer / DualRealm Universe
Our exclusive: Panko Publishing. Pawel Kopijer / DualRealm Universe

Our exclusive: Panko Publishing. Pawel Kopijer / DualRealm Universe

Only with us! Pawel Kopijer's DualRealm Universe joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Pawel Kopijer Publishing Panko / DualRealm Universe Various creative dimensions are created on the basis of the DualRealm Universe. First of all, there is embedded in it a series of

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Our exclusivity: books by Radoslaw Lewandowski available only in Azymut
Our exclusivity: books by Radoslaw Lewandowski available only in Azymut

Our exclusivity: books by Radoslaw Lewandowski available only in Azymut

H.D.K. Lewandowska, the publisher of Radoslaw Lewandowski's books, has joined the ranks of nearly 80 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. "Australian Hell" premiered in September. Radoslaw Lewandowski's latest book is a fascinating adventure novel, an account of the voyage of the Dutch ship Batavia in the early 17th century, considered by the

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Our Exclusive: P.owiększenie Publishing House
Our Exclusive: P.owiększenie Publishing House

Our Exclusive: P.owiększenie Publishing House

Only with us! The P.owiększenie publishing house joins the group of nearly 80 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. P.owiększenie Publishing P.owiększenie is making its debut on the Polish publishing market. "Lubieżność", a brilliant debut by Rafał Górski and the first book of the outhouse, is now available in Azymut's Virtual Warehouse. Order

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Our exclusive: Monika Liga Publishing
Our exclusive: Monika Liga Publishing

Our exclusive: Monika Liga Publishing

Only with us! Monika Liga Publishing joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Monika Liga Publishing House was founded in 2022 out of passion for literature. It specializes in publishing romances. Its main goal is to spread readership in Poland.

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Our exclusive: Magdalena Szweda Publishing
Our exclusive: Magdalena Szweda Publishing

Our exclusive: Magdalena Szweda Publishing

Only with us! Publisher Magdalena Szweda joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Magdalena Szweda Publishing Magdalena Szweda Publishing was founded in 2022 out of passion for literature. It specializes in publishing romances. The main goal of its activities is to spread readership

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Our exclusive: KDW Publishing House - Katarzyna Wycisk
Our exclusive: KDW Publishing House - Katarzyna Wycisk

Our exclusive: KDW Publishing House - Katarzyna Wycisk

Only with us! Publisher Katarzyna Wycisk joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. KDW Publisher Katarzyna Wycisk Publisher KDW - Books written with emotions. Publishes novels in the genres of New Adult, Young Adult, romance, morality and fantasy. Order from Virtual Magazine

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Our exclusive: Arkana Publishing
Our exclusive: Arkana Publishing

Our exclusive: Arkana Publishing

Only with us! Arkana Publishing joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Arkana Publishing Romance and erotica, fantasy novels, detective stories and thrillers. Arkana Publishing available exclusively in Azimuth's offer. Order from the Virtual Warehouse Want to join the publisher's ranks

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Our exclusive: ALPHECCA Publishing House
Our exclusive: ALPHECCA Publishing House

Our exclusive: ALPHECCA Publishing House

Only with us! ALPHECCA Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. ALPHECCA Publishing ALPHECCA - is the brightest star in the constellation Crown of the North. It is also a new family publishing house that publishes fantasy for teens and adults, as well as fairy tales for children. Our

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Our exclusive: Libretto Publishing
Our exclusive: Libretto Publishing

Our exclusive: Libretto Publishing

Only with us! Libreto Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Libretto Publishing House Libretto Publishing House was established in June 2023, based in Warsaw. Its owner is Pawel Wimmer, a long-time journalist for the computer press and author of dozens of books on

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Our exclusive: edu-Libri Publishing House
Our exclusive: edu-Libri Publishing House

Our exclusive: edu-Libri Publishing House

Only with us! The edu-Libri Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. edu-Libri Publishing House was founded in 2007 by Marzena Stefanska-Adams and Edyta Matejko-Paszkowska. Since the beginning, it has actively participated in the popularization of Korean culture and literature, organizing various types of

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Our exclusive: Women's World Publishing
Our exclusive: Women's World Publishing

Our exclusive: Women's World Publishing

Only with us! Women's World Publishing joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Women's World Publishing House Women's World Publishing House was founded in 2023, out of great passion and love for books. We want to publish novels that bring relaxation and solace after

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Our exclusive: C&T Publishing House
Our exclusive: C&T Publishing House

Our exclusive: C&T Publishing House

Only with us! C&T Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. C&T C&T Publishing is a literary publishing house named after the abbreviation of the words "Crime&Thriller." It is a Polish publishing house specializing, as the name suggests, in horror literature, which was founded by Pawel

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Our exclusive: Edicon Publishing
Our exclusive: Edicon Publishing

Our exclusive: Edicon Publishing

Only with us! Edicon Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Edicon Publishing House The mission of EDICON Publishing House is to provide comprehensive and valuable knowledge. Our offer includes book publications and e-learning courses. We respond to the needs of post-secondary school students and students of

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Our exclusive: Wiedza i Praktyka Publishing House
Our exclusive: Wiedza i Praktyka Publishing House

Our exclusive: Wiedza i Praktyka Publishing House

Only with us! Wiedza i Praktyka Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Wiedza i Praktyka Wiedza i Praktyka Publishing House is one of the largest providers of professional information in Poland. Since 1997, we have been providing information necessary in everyday work

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Our exclusive: Typhoon Publishing
Our exclusive: Typhoon Publishing

Our exclusive: Typhoon Publishing

Only with us! Typhoons Publishing joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Tajfuny Publishing House was founded in 2007 by Marzena Stefanska-Adams and Edyta Matejko-Paszkowska. Since the beginning, it has been actively involved in popularizing Korean culture and literature, organizing various types of

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Our exclusive: AST Publishing
Our exclusive: AST Publishing

Our exclusive: AST Publishing

Only with us! AST Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. AST Publishing House AST Publishing House is a small publishing house that was created out of the need to discover things that are important, containing vital information for people who are looking for knowledge on how to restore themselves

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Our exclusive: Dialog Publishing House
Our exclusive: Dialog Publishing House

Our exclusive: Dialog Publishing House

Only with us! Dialog Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Dialog Publishing House DIALOG Academic Publishers since its inception - in 1992 - is inextricably associated with unconventional books, touching on issues often overlooked, but how fascinating -.

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Our Exclusive: Vibe Publishing
Our Exclusive: Vibe Publishing

Our Exclusive: Vibe Publishing

Only with us! Vibe Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Vibe Publishing House Vibe Publishing House was founded on June 3, 2022 by Robert Kotunski so that his wife, Agnieszka, could fulfill her dream of publishing books. The name of the publishing house

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Our exclusive: Abyssos Publishing
Our exclusive: Abyssos Publishing

Our exclusive: Abyssos Publishing

Only with us! Abyssos Publishing joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Abyssos Publishing Abyssos Publishing is a passionate place dedicated to the fascinating world of fantasy. Our mission is to discover and promote the most extraordinary, magical stories that transport readers into the

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Our exclusive: Scholar Publishing House
Our exclusive: Scholar Publishing House

Our exclusive: Scholar Publishing House

Only with us! Scholar Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Scholar Publishing House Scholar Publishing House was founded in 1991 by Jacek Raciborski, who heads it until now. The function of vice-president is held by Hanna Raciborska. The editor-in-chief of the Publishing House is

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Our exclusive: Melisa Bel Publishing
Our exclusive: Melisa Bel Publishing

Our exclusive: Melisa Bel Publishing

Only with us! Publisher Melisa Bel joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Publisher Melisa Bel MELISA BEL - author of moral novels, full of emotion and romance. She has won the hearts of Polish women with such books as "The Devil Count" and "In the Lion's Maw". A lover of all ten

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Our exclusive: Flowers of the Orient Publishing House
Our exclusive: Flowers of the Orient Publishing House

Our exclusive: Flowers of the Orient Publishing House

Only with us! Flowers of the Orient Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Flowers of the Orient Publishing House was founded in 2007 by Marzena Stefanska-Adams and Edyta Matejko-Paszkowska. Since the beginning, it has actively participated in the popularization of Korean culture and literature, organizing

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Our exclusivity: the Publishing House of the Fryderyk Chopin Institute
Our exclusivity: the Publishing House of the Fryderyk Chopin Institute

Our exclusivity: the Publishing House of the Fryderyk Chopin Institute

Only with us! The National Fryderyk Chopin Institute Publishing House joins the group of more than 70 publishers available exclusively in the OSDW Azymut offer. National Fryderyk Chopin Institute We warmly invite you to get acquainted with the Chopin Institute's publications. Among them are books for younger and older readers:

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Our exclusive: Word/image territories publishing house
Our exclusive: Word/image territories publishing house

Our exclusive: Word/image territories publishing house

Only with us! The word/obraz terytoria publishing house joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively in the OSDW Azymut offer. Word/obraz terytoria Publishing House Word/obraz terytoria Publishing House was established in autumn 1995. The area of our interest is marked by texts in the fields of fiction, history of literature, essay writing, literary criticism, philosophy, art

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Our Exclusive: the Will Be Poles Foundation
Our Exclusive: the Will Be Poles Foundation

Our Exclusive: the Will Be Poles Foundation

Only with us! The Będziem Polakami Foundation joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Fundacja Będziem Polakami We promote the love of truth, which is objective, and the awareness that the difficulty of establishing the truth is not the basis for drawing conclusions about its relativity, but results from the

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Our exclusivity: the World War II Museum Publishing House
Our exclusivity: the World War II Museum Publishing House

Our exclusivity: the World War II Museum Publishing House

Only with us! The World War II Museum Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Publishing House of the World War II Museum The publishing house of the World War II Museum in Gdansk has been in existence since the establishment of this institution, that is, since 2008

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Our exclusive: Warsaw Publishing Company
Our exclusive: Warsaw Publishing Company

Our exclusive: Warsaw Publishing Company

Only with us! Warszawska Firma Wydawnicza joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Warsaw Publishing Company Our catalog includes prose, poetry and non-fiction. Order from the Virtual Warehouse

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Our Exclusive: WasPos Publishing
Our Exclusive: WasPos Publishing

Our Exclusive: WasPos Publishing

Only with us! WasPos Publishing joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. WasPos Publishing Our publishing mission was born in 2018 - out of passion; out of millions of pages read and years of collecting books of the most diverse genres and conventions.

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Our exclusive: Wydmy Publishing House
Our exclusive: Wydmy Publishing House

Our exclusive: Wydmy Publishing House

Only with us! Wydmy Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Wydmy Publishing House We create authoritative books for children that support and empower. We know that changing the world for the better is quite a challenge. However, we believe that by creating books with joy,

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Our exclusive: Ursines Publishing House
Our exclusive: Ursines Publishing House

Our exclusive: Ursines Publishing House

Only with us! Ursines Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Ursines Publishing House Why is a publishing house created? To offer readers books that enrich internally and help to live. They give wings, develop imagination. So that in a world that also

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Our exclusive: Bookplan.pl Publishing
Our exclusive: Bookplan.pl Publishing

Our exclusive: Bookplan.pl Publishing

Only with us! Bookplan.pl Publishing joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Bookplan.pl Publisher Bookplan.pl was created for independent authors who want to bring their books to the publishing market. It offers comprehensive publishing services and, through Azymut, also distribution services.

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Our exclusive: Unobvious Publishing House
Our exclusive: Unobvious Publishing House

Our exclusive: Unobvious Publishing House

Only with us! Nieoczywiste Publishing joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Nieoczywiste Publishing House Nieoczywiste Publishing House was established in 2015 and set itself the goal of publishing publications by Polish and foreign authors presenting valuable, non-standard, innovative and "unobvious" approaches to

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Our exclusive: Institute for Tax Studies
Our exclusive: Institute for Tax Studies

Our exclusive: Institute for Tax Studies

Only with us! The Institute of Tax Studies joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Institute of Tax Studies The publishing house of the Institute of Tax Studies was established in 1996 and as one of its statutory tasks indicates the dissemination of knowledge in the field of legal sciences, a

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Our exclusive: Levyz Books Publishing
Our exclusive: Levyz Books Publishing

Our exclusive: Levyz Books Publishing

Only with us! Publisher Levyz Books joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azimuth. Levyz Books Publisher Books that inspire, support, cuddle children and adolescents, as well as expert and innovative tools for psychological work. We believe that education and psychological work should

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Our exclusivity: Górnicki Medical Publishing House
Our exclusivity: Górnicki Medical Publishing House

Our exclusivity: Górnicki Medical Publishing House

Only with us! Górnicki Medical Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Górnicki Medical Publishing House Górnicki Medical Publishing House has been established for 24 years. Three fields of activity: ophthalmology (the largest on the market), emergency medicine (a lot of titles), undergraduates (including the bestseller

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Our exclusive: Kotori Publishing House
Our exclusive: Kotori Publishing House

Our exclusive: Kotori Publishing House

Only with us! Kotori Publishing joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Kotori Publishing House KOTORI Publishing House was established in April 2012. Our primary goal is to publish Japanese comics and Japanese youth literature. Order from Virtual Magazine

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Our Exclusive: Center for Holocaust Research
Our Exclusive: Center for Holocaust Research

Our Exclusive: Center for Holocaust Research

Only with us! The Holocaust Research Center joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Holocaust Research Center Association The Holocaust Research Center Association was established to expand the possibilities for action and the spectrum of activities conducted. It brings together people who want to actively

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Our exclusive: Academic Publishing House EXIT
Our exclusive: Academic Publishing House EXIT

Our exclusive: Academic Publishing House EXIT

Only with us! Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicza EXIT joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicza EXIT Publishing House For 30 years, EXIT Publishing House has specialized in publishing scientific monographs and academic textbooks. At the moment we have to offer

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Our exclusive: Moc Media Publishing
Our exclusive: Moc Media Publishing

Our exclusive: Moc Media Publishing

Only with us! Publisher Moc Media joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Publisher Moc Media We invariably focus on bold and fascinating publications that address socially relevant topics and tame the unknown. We support Polish debutants and literature that builds the material

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Our Exclusivity: the Publisher of the Living Word
Our Exclusivity: the Publisher of the Living Word

Our Exclusivity: the Publisher of the Living Word

Only with us! Zywosłowie Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Zywosłowie Publishing House "Zywosłowie. Publishing House" was established on the initiative of Dariusz Kosinski and Katarzyna Wozniak-Shukur, as a development and expansion of the activities of the translation studio "żywosłowie", founded twelve years ago by Katarzyna Wozniak-Shukur.

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Our exclusive: Key Text Publishing
Our exclusive: Key Text Publishing

Our exclusive: Key Text Publishing

Only with us! Key Text Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Key Text Publishing House The Key Text Publishing House began its editorial activity in February 1991 on the initiative of the editors of the Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Editorial Board of the State Economic Publishing House, with the cooperation of the IT

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Nasza wyłączność: Wydawnictwo Nowoczesne
Nasza wyłączność: Wydawnictwo Nowoczesne

Nasza wyłączność: Wydawnictwo Nowoczesne

Tylko u nas! Wydawnictwo Nowoczesne dołącza do grona ponad 70 wydawców dostępnych na wyłączność w ofercie OSDW Azymut. Wydawnictwo Nowoczesne Swoją siedzibę mamy w Poznaniu. Kierujemy się podejściem „mniej oznacza więcej”. Liczba naszych publikacji jest umiarkowana, dzięki czemu każdej książce poświęcamy wiele uwagi, dbając o

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Our exclusive: ADiT Publishing House
Our exclusive: ADiT Publishing House

Our exclusive: ADiT Publishing House

Only with us! ADiT Publishing joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. ADiT Publishing House Adit Publishing House is part of the Agency for Drama and Theater founded by Elizabeth Manthey in 1995. The publishing house has published plays by outstanding authors, including

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Our exclusive: AlterNative Publishing
Our exclusive: AlterNative Publishing

Our exclusive: AlterNative Publishing

Only with us! AlterNative Publishing joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. AlterNative Publishing House We are a publishing house from Poznan. We publish books that are innovative, original, controversial, but at the same time up-to-date and respond to the sensibilities and needs of today's readers. We focus on quality, not quantity,

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Our Exclusive: Elizabeth Stępień Publishing House
Our Exclusive: Elizabeth Stępień Publishing House

Our Exclusive: Elizabeth Stępień Publishing House

Only with us! Publisher Elzbieta Stępień joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Publisher Elzbieta Stępień Elzbieta Stępień-author of poetry collections, children's books and novels for adults. Her books deal with important social issues. Debut novel entitled "This Woman".

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Our exclusive: KMW Project Publishing
Our exclusive: KMW Project Publishing

Our exclusive: KMW Project Publishing

Only with us! Publisher KMW Projekt joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Publisher KMW Projekt KMW Projekt is a husband and wife project of two independent authors. They are passionate about writing books and stories in fantasy genres for younger teens, older teens and adults.

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Our exclusive: Project Chaos Publishing
Our exclusive: Project Chaos Publishing

Our exclusive: Project Chaos Publishing

Only with us! Project Chaos Publishing joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Project Chaos Publishing House Project Chaos Publishing House is a young, family-owned venture following the writing efforts of Malwina A. Tylewicz and Arleta Tylewicz. It was established in November 2023. Thanks to

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Our exclusive: D.B. Publishing House. Foryś
Our exclusive: D.B. Publishing House. Foryś

Our exclusive: D.B. Publishing House. Foryś

Only with us! D.B. Publishing House. Foryś joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Dom Wydawniczy D.B. Foryś D. B. Foryś - programmer and graphic designer by education, writer by passion, editor after hours. Her adventure with writing began with the publication of

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Our exclusive: Wimana Publishing House
Our exclusive: Wimana Publishing House

Our exclusive: Wimana Publishing House

Only with us! Wimana Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Wimana Publishing The present of each of us consists of the past in a broad sense, both in terms of history and acquired life experiences, and the future in terms of plans and

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Our exclusive: MK Publishing House
Our exclusive: MK Publishing House

Our exclusive: MK Publishing House

Only with us! MK Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. MK Publishing House Magdalena Kozakowska, publisher of books by Magdalena Kozakowska. Magdalena Kozakowska's debut novel and titled. "Only in duet" has received many positive reviews and has been very well

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Our exclusive: Drops of Time Publishing
Our exclusive: Drops of Time Publishing

Our exclusive: Drops of Time Publishing

Only with us! Drops of Time Publishing joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Drops of Time Publishing House was founded in 2007 by Marzena Stefanska-Adams and Edyta Matejko-Paszkowska. Since the beginning, it has been actively involved in popularizing Korean culture and literature, organizing

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Our Exclusive: Carl Menger Institute Foundation Publishers
Our Exclusive: Carl Menger Institute Foundation Publishers

Our Exclusive: Carl Menger Institute Foundation Publishers

Only with us! The Carl Menger Institute Foundation Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Publisher Carl Menger Institute Foundation Carl Menger Institute Foundation, as part of its statutory activities, publishes books in the series Academy of Young Millionaires and Business for

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Our Exclusive: Legal Publishing Professional Examinations
Our Exclusive: Legal Publishing Professional Examinations

Our Exclusive: Legal Publishing Professional Examinations

Only with us! Publisher Legal Professional Examinations joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. The Publisher of Legal Professional Examinations The Publisher of Legal Professional Examinations was established in an effort to meet the needs of Candidates for Applicants and Applicants related to taking the entrance examinations for the

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Our exclusive: Phantasm Publishing
Our exclusive: Phantasm Publishing

Our exclusive: Phantasm Publishing

Only with us! Fantazmat Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Phantasm Publishing House Independent publishing house "Phantasm" was established in 2023 as a one-person project, the fruit of the creativity and passion of its founder. The debut work of this publishing house is the book "Wars of the Gods:

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Our exclusive: Papier Publishing
Our exclusive: Papier Publishing

Our exclusive: Papier Publishing

Only with us! Papierówka Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively from OSDW Azymut. Papierówka Publishing House Papierówka Publishing House was established as an inprint of Kotori Publishing House. Titles published by Papierówka are aimed primarily at women with a view to their need to relax with a good

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Our exclusive: Bracket Publishing
Our exclusive: Bracket Publishing

Our exclusive: Bracket Publishing

Only with us! Nawias Publishing House joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Nawias Publishing House In our offer, in addition to excellent, moving novels, you will find detective stories, non-fiction, popular science and how-to books by Polish and foreign authors, including debutants. These are books with character, unconventional,

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Our exclusive: Warriors Publishing
Our exclusive: Warriors Publishing

Our exclusive: Warriors Publishing

Only with us! Warriors Publishing joins the ranks of more than 70 publishers available exclusively through OSDW Azymut. Warriors Publishing House was established 10 years ago. We bring our readers books dedicated to martial arts and sports. After establishing cooperation with the largest book wholesaler in Poland Azymut, in

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Zamawiaj książki w hurtowych cenach

85 000 książek, gier i zabawek. Co tydzień nowe promocje! Załóż konto dla firm w hurtowni Azymut.